
It is a tool to support between the organization and the customer (B2C) directly and the sellers in the system can create a variety of selling prices. At the same time, buyers can shop in bundles for a lower price. Get the product directly from the manufacturer or factory in order for the buyer to understand the product's features more. At the moment, those who come to apply for membership are the seller only

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System capability

Focus on products that come directly from the manufacturer. And can set product prices in a variety of formats Resulting in the products in this system having a lower price due to the cost decrease respectively


Can set the product price as appropriate such as the amount sold, general selling price, specific customers, specific area

Buy bulk products

Can gather to buy products In the event that the purchasing power of the buyer is insufficient for the amount that the factory can produce In which manufacturers have created groups to allow for the purchase of that product

Sell by area

Can specify the area to sell products or sell products in different areas at different prices.


There is a discount when products are regularly purchased from that manufacturer.

Broadcast live

The seller can make a live broadcast of the desired product. And can be segmented according to the seller's ability to publish

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